Welcome to our July Round Up. In this edition, we’ll cover some new features of SharePoint that highlight Microsoft’s vision for creating an even more dynamic Intranet. We’ll also introduce and examine some of the exciting additions to the Power 365 Solutions roster in the upcoming months.
Enjoy the read, be sure to get in touch if you have any comments or questions!
Modern SharePoint Site Collapsible Sections
With the combination of MS Teams and SharePoint, Microsoft are focused on ensuring SharePoint’s utility and relevance in alignment with contemporary Intranet technologies. Out-of-the-Box Modern SharePoint is receiving yet another refreshing overhaul with the addition of these redesigned collapsible sections. We can finally bid farewell to long protracted pages, instead introducing specific sections designed to expand when required; a strikingly innovative new feature being rolled out as we speak.

SharePoint News Auto Digest Updates
Following on from the intranet updates and with news becoming an expanding component of an organisations output on an intranet, Microsoft have provided us with the ability to brand the auto news digest feature currently in place:

Whilst this change might seem small, it allows an organisation to maintain the intranet-like resemblance, as opposed to users regarding it as auto-generated spam.
Return to Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a difficult period for both individuals and business alike. As restrictions are cautiously lifted and normality is gradually reinstated, businesses are beginning to focus their efforts on assuring employee comfort and safety within the workplace.
A Return-to-Work solution seems to be at the forefront of our client engagements, with organisations needing to be able to report on what office space is utilised, who’s entering the workplace and how to best use their space.
Whether that’s through automated reports to relevant facilities stakeholders, meeting room bookings, automated validation of bookings, weekly/block bookings or even the hot-desk style that’s being widely incorporated by organisations. Power 365 Solutions has taken these requirements and compounded them into a convenient, simple solution for organisations to manage these individual factors without the necessity of expensive overheads.
So far, the conversation has been popular – how are you managing yours?
Power 365’s Power App Academy
Continuing with the theme of applications within the Microsoft environment, we recently published a poll both on LinkedIn and across our current client-base which indicated the exponential popularity of Power Apps. Statistically, 77% found Power Apps to be an extremely popular talking point. It is looking like teams has been and gone, whilst intranets remain constant, what seems to be missing are the relevant skills to take advantage of the possibilities of Power Apps.
What we’ve begun to find is that whilst a business can employ a partner or consultant to build apps for them, they lose the ability to continue that app development as the business lacks the internal skillset to advance it.
Whilst this commercially benefits partners (and companies like us), here at Power 365 we are passionate about promoting this automation however we can. With this in mind, we have been working closely with our resident Microsoft Certified Trainer and are ready to align an academy-style training programme. The academy aims to promote your internal community of stakeholders to a level where they can automate the internal processes, with minimal support and maximum efficiency. Our academy will focus on far more than the typical ‘App in a day’ and instead work to promote the best practices that we personally use. Alongside we offer an extended training plan and a continued buddy-buddy support programme to guarantee that your business can effectively utilise one of the most powerful tools within the M365 suite.
With so many new offerings, products and company updates in the pipeline, why not get in touch to see what you could achieve with Power 365 Solutions.